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Habbolife Forum è un fansite ufficiale di Habbo hotel. Rimani aggiornato sulle notizie di questo magnifico mondo virtuale e sugli ultimi argomenti di attualità!

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! Empty[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

In Habbo sono stati caricati dei Nuovi Codici legati a Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! Eccoli:


gamecenter.Sulake_bestofturku.description_title=Best of Turku 2012

gamecenter.basejump.description_content=Watch Out below! Use  power-ups including missiles, parachutes and shields to safely deliver your food and earn great prizes!

gamecenter.previous_winner_header=PREVIOUS WINNERSulake_bestofturku.description_content=This autumn Habbo will work with gaming students in Finland. Students will develop mini-games to be published in Habbo. Here is the first batch! The games have been developed in 16 hours by teams of 2-4 students.

gamecenter.basejump.description_content=Watch Out below! Use  power-ups including missiles, parachutes and shields to safely deliver your food and earn great prizes!

gamecenter.basejump.name=FAST FOOD

gamecenter.previous_winner_header=PREVIOUS WINNER

quests.xmas11_14.2.completed=Oooooh! The feeling is returned!

quests.xmas11_14.2.completed=Oooooh! The feeling is returned!

quests.habboween_2012_4.find_3_habbos_laughing.name=MEET POMOGO

landing.view.hween12.rares.bodytext=New Habboween rares in the shop now!

quests.habboween_2012_3.user_testing_strengh.name=TEST YOUR STRENGTH

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_snake.desc=If you want to know more, check there...

quests.habboween_2012_4.find_3_habbos_laughing.desc=The clown is here standing in the dark.

quests.habboween_2012_3.wave_for_10_mn.hint="How long can you stand with one arm up? Let's see: Wave for 10 minutes. You can do it!"

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_3_muscled_friends.name=I WANT MUSCLES

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_match.name=RIDDLE 2

quests.xmas11_16.1.desc=What about a romantic ice skating session on the frozen lake?

quests.xmas11_16.1.desc=What about a romantic ice skating session on the frozen lake?

quests.xmas11_17.2.name=Hot Stuff II

quests.habboween_2012_4.1350307802854.chaincaption=Habboween 2012

quests.habboween_2012_3.user_testing_strengh.hint="Check your strength with the Strength tester! Click on it as hard as you can! Come on! I can't defeat the aliens by myself! I've got an appointment in Samarra."

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_10_aliens.completed="Good job! Now we must prepare for the day they will come and steal our toe nail clippings, and sell them to the troll people from dimension X! I'm dead, so I can only help guide you. Don't look at me like that. I'm not mad. I'm dead."

quests.habboween_2012_3.stack_kart_on_roller.name=WORKOUT 2

landing.view.habbopix.header=NEW GAME!

quests.xmas11_17.3.name=Hot Stuff III

quests.habboween_2012_4.name=Habboween 2012

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_10_aliens.name=MEET BUFFO

quests.habboween_2012_4.find_3_habbos_laughing.hint=I was expecting you. You came to know the truth? Well truth is i didn't want to be a clown - but my father pushed so hard. You know how it feels to enter a room and have (3) people laughing at you? Try it and then we'll talk.


quests.habboween_2012_4.say_match.desc=Still wondering how it happened? Here is another riddle:

quests.xmas11_16.2.desc=Not bad. But i bet you can skate longer

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_3_muscled_friends.completed= "Thanks!  Habbos have a chance to survive now... I'll you what I know. The  Ringmaster and his wife had twins, one of them was normal, and one of them was a freak and looked like a sick potato thing. They left the normal looking one, a girl, at an orphanage, and the boy was adopted by  someone else in the Fair and never told the truth about his father. It  was he who burned down the Fair, I'm sure of it... But why??"

quests.habboween_2012_3.wave_for_10_mn.completed="Feels good huh ? My personal record is 3 years. I was waving goodbye to the Giant Snails of Palakon. They are very slow creatures, except when you ask them to pass the salt at dinner. Ha ha. I miss food."

quests.habboween_2012_3.name=Habboween 2012


landing.view.habbopix.header=NEW GAME!

landing.view.habbopix.bodytext=Habbo Pix is now available to play in the Game Centre! Find your friends and start scribbling!

landing.view.habbopix.opengame=Play now

quests.lympix2.stags.name=HUNT STAGS

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_clown.completed=Yes that's me ! That's me ! But I've got my reasons you know... I hated this place, every since I was young. I hate being the clown, the sound of laughter makes me want to cry. No one ever takes me seriously. Sigh.

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_10_aliens.hint="To make a long story short: Aliens abducted me and turned me into a one Habbo army to conquer the Earth. But I escaped... And now, as an intergalactic muscle man I must convince a disbelieving world they're among us. All while being dead due to the fire that engulfed the fair. Help me: Spot 10 of them in the Hotel!"

avatareditor.effects.active.daysleft=%days_left% days

quests.habboween_2012_3.user_testing_strengh.completed="Well... I guess you need more training.  Don't worry, we're almost there. And when you're ready I'll tell you what I know about the fair and the fire."

quests.xmas11_15.2.name=Show Your Love 2

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_fire.completed=Yes! the night the old fairground burnt everyone got a one way ticket to Hell!

landing.view.habbopix.opengame=Play now

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_3_muscled_friends.hint=I want to believe. Please find 3 muscled Habbos ready to fight against alien hordes. No time to get squeamish, the world is depending on you!

quests.habboween_2012_3.wave_for_10_mn.name=WORKOUT 1

quests.xmas11_17.2.desc=Good. Now play your best !

quests.habboween_2012_4.find_3_habbos_laughing.completed=Feel bad enough to hear my story now? Good... You know, I never wanted to be a clown? I wanted to be a lawyer, but fate and an uncaring father pushed me into a different direction... I perform every night in and around the fair, it's so boring, no one ever gets my jokes and kids throw rocks at me.

quests.habboween_2012_3.stack_kart_on_roller.desc="The ghost train is broken. it's all messed up..."


quests.habboween_2012_4.say_clown.hint="I live for laughter I live for the crowd without it i am nothing What am i..."

avatareditor.save.to.activate=Saving changes will activate this effect

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_fire.hint=And answer me this: "I am always hungry; I must always be fed; The finger I lick Will soon turn red."

landing.view.hween12.rares.header=This weekend only!

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_clown.desc=Can't you guess who did this? Here is another riddle:

avatareditor.effects.active.timeleft=%time_left% left

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_match.hint="Tear me of and scratch my head once was red is black instead"

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_10_aliens.desc="Wondering how I became the strongest Habbo of the galaxy?"

quests.habboween_2012_3.find_3_muscled_friends.desc=It's a tragedy: with Habbos like you, Earth is doomed...

quests.xmas11_15.3.name=Show Your Love 3

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_match.completed=Yes the fire wasn't an accident. Someone did it to get rid of those lies and purify the fairground! A house built on lies is no place for a child to grow up.

quests.habboween_2012_3.1349961784861.chaincaption=Habboween 2012

quests.habboween_2012_6.name=Habboween 2012

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_fire.name=RIDDLE 1

quests.habboween_2012_3.stack_kart_on_roller.hint="Let's see if you're strong enough to set the cars back on tracks. I think you can. I believe in you, you're a great Junior Intergalactic Muscle Man! (Or woman)."

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_fire.desc=I'm a man of few words but i like riddles. So listen...

avatareditor.effects.shop=Buy more

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_clown.name=RIDDLE 3

quests.habboween_2012_3.stack_kart_on_roller.completed="Not bad but you surely can do better than this. It's so great to be around young people again, full of passion and ideals. I remember when I used to believe in real things as well."

quests.xmas11_16.3.hint=Skate on 100 ice skating patches

quests.habboween_2012_5.name=Habboween 2012

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_snake.hint="I can sizzle like bacon; I am made with an egg; I have plenty of backbone; but lack a good leg; I peel layers like onions; but still remain whole; I can be long; like a flagpole; yet fit in a hole; What am I?"

quests.habboween_2012_3.wave_for_10_mn.desc="Let's turn you into a lethal weapon now. Arms first... "

quests.xmas11_14.1.completed=So romantic !

quests.monsterplants.1336126798248.hint=Breed your Monster Plant so that the outcome seed is of rarity level 1 or higher.
quests.habboween_2012_3.user_testing_strengh.desc="Wow, you now look stronger than when we first met..."

quests.xmas11_15.4.hint=Pick an item from the Shop and give it as a gift to a Habbo in the same room.

quests.battleball.BBPUSHPUCK.desc=Push the Battle Banzai puck.

quests.Furnimatic.receive_item.desc=More gross stuff keeps coming out!


quests.habboween_2012_4.say_snake.completed=She knows the horrible truth, the snake,  although she rarely says it... She told me though, she told me the truth, and in my anger, I burnt this place to the ground! No more secrets, lies or laughter. Do I regret it? Of course I do, but I'm an artist, not a clown...

quests.habboween_2012_4.say_snake.name=RIDDLE 4

quests.xmas11_15.3.hint=Convince another Habbo to say "I love you too"

badge_name_fb_ACH_CostumeHopper=Freak out %roman%

badge_desc_fb_ACH_CostumeHopper=For freaking out the neighborhood %limit% times

badge_desc_ACH_CostumeHopper=For freaking out the neighborhood %limit% times


badge_desc_SF7=HSS Fuse 2009 - Rank 1

badge_name_EUR03=Eurovision Grand Final

Possiamo capire da questi Codici che:

- Ci saranno Nuove Missioni HabboWeen;
- Best Of Turku sta per arrivare su tutti gli Hotel;
- Nuovi Badge in arrivo;
- Un Nuovo Raro HabboWeen che dovrà uscire tra non molto in catalogo;
- E molto altro.

Ultima modifica di semmometallaro il Mar 16 Ott 2012 - 16:26 - modificato 2 volte.

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Bene [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! 845162

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Wow [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! 2595762641

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Lore ha scritto:
Wow [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! 2595762641

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Good [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! 2595762641

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Molti Codici! Ho sudato un pò...!

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Thank Semmo! [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! 1437316102

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Grazie mille [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! 1765539963

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Bene, sono incuriosito dal raro!

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Leakson ha scritto:
Bene, sono incuriosito dal raro!

Mi sa che è quello della competizione StraxyPixel!

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

semmometallaro ha scritto:
Leakson ha scritto:
Bene, sono incuriosito dal raro!

Mi sa che è quello della competizione StraxyPixel!

Davvero? È stupendo! :D

description[ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! EmptyRe: [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro!

Giuseppy ha scritto:
semmometallaro ha scritto:

Mi sa che è quello della competizione StraxyPixel!

Davvero? È stupendo! [ALL] Codici Best Of Turku, HabboWeen e molto Altro! 2595762641

Per ora non si sa con precisione, ma vi teniamo aggiornati per cui tranquilli!
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