Ricordate che tempo fa su Habbo.fi e poi Habbo.com sono stati inseriti gli eventi rinnovati? Nuovi codici ci dicono che gli Eventi torneranno con i Duckets e si potranno acquistare con Questi! Senza aggiunte di crediti...
landing.view.ducketevents.header=Events are back!
landing.view.ducketevents.body=Event are back - get your rooms seen by your audience once again! It was another big request from Habbos around the world and now we are able to relaunch it thanks to Duckets. Use them to get your rooms promoted in the Navigator and max out your areas!
landing.view.ducketevents.header=Events are back!
landing.view.ducketevents.body=Event are back - get your rooms seen by your audience once again! It was another big request from Habbos around the world and now we are able to relaunch it thanks to Duckets. Use them to get your rooms promoted in the Navigator and max out your areas!