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Habbolife Forum è un fansite ufficiale di Habbo hotel. Rimani aggiornato sulle notizie di questo magnifico mondo virtuale e sugli ultimi argomenti di attualità!

[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

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description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion Empty[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

In Habbo America puoi vincere un Distintivo legato al game utente 'Ghost Mansion'. Seguendo questa guida (Ringraziamo il fansite americano HabboQuests per le informazioni e i testi in inglese)

1) Entra in questa stanza (Enter this room): http://www.habbo.com/room/64947027

2) Fai la coda fino a quando non raggiungerai il teletrasporto imperiale (Follow the queue around until you're at the Imperial Teleporter, then enter)

3) Supera il percorso roller, senza cadere. Volendo ti potrai riposare sul nido cerchiato in rosso. (Move across the rollers without falling off, the nest is a safe spot for you to relax. Be careful when you're clicking behind the imperial teleporter so that you don't fall off.)

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4) Supera nuovamente tutti i roller, senza calpestare la roccia, altrimenti verrai teletrasportato. (Move across the rollers without falling off. Do not step on the rock, you will be teleported out if you do.)

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5) Raggiungi il teletrasporto evidando i ragni e stando attento a non cadere (Move across the rollers without falling off. Be mindful of the spiders locations, they will try their best to trip you up where ever they can. Be careful when stepping around the back of the tree that you don't fall off - follow the image below.)

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6) Entra nel teletrasporto (Time for a break, there is no obstacles in this room just simply enter the teleporter.)

7) Stai nuovamente attendo i ragni e usa le sedie per riposarti. (Move across the rollers without falling off. Be mindful of the spiders locations, they will try their best to trip you up where ever they can. Use the chairs highlighted below, do not step on the rollers they are moving on.)

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8) Raggiungi il teletrasporto evitando gli ostacoli che ti faranno cadere e camminando unicamente sui roller nascosti. (Move across the rollers without falling off. Be careful of spiders and all other obstacles in this room, they will try to trip you.)

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9) Hai vinto e guadagnato un nuovo distintivo! (Congratulations you now have the GotGame Ghost Mansion Badge!)

[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion ES7

Ultima modifica di Bot-kaselli il Gio 28 Nov 2013 - 18:35 - modificato 1 volta.

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion


description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Lo faccio subito *-*

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Ma il badge è vecchio...è del 2005/06 O.o

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion


description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

dario..:97 ha scritto:

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Preso [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion 2595762641

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion


description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Bene, grazie! [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion 2595762641

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Grazie mille!

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion


description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion


description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Carino,dopo forse provo a farlo:3

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion


description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Il badge è stupendo, su IT lo hanno i più vecchi

description[COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion EmptyRe: [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion

Ho provato a farlo: ogni volta che perdi, anche ai livelli successivi al primo, torni all'inizio. Lascio perdere... [COM] Got Game: Ghost Mansion 1223442079
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