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Habbolife Forum è un fansite ufficiale di Habbo hotel. Rimani aggiornato sulle notizie di questo magnifico mondo virtuale e sugli ultimi argomenti di attualità!

description[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome Empty[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome

1. Vai in questa stanza (Go to this room): http://www.habbo.com/room/67649810

2. Aspetta che compaia la leva e cliccala (Wait for the switch below to appear and double click it):

3. Vai vicino alla porta e scrivi "dentist appointment" (When you’re at the door, say “dentist appointment”)

4. Scappa dai manichini e clicca due volte sulla leva. Infine prendi il teletrasporto (Avoid the mannequins shown below, make your way to the switch and double click it – doing so will open the doors at the end, run towards it and enter the teleport.)

5. Segui il percorso per raggiungere il teletrasporto, ringraziamo Habboquest (Follow the path below to get to the teleport):

[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome Scherm45

6. Use the tiles to cross the room, standing on the plates at the end of the path will teleport you to the next section:

[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome Scherm46

7. Do the same for the second section of the room:

8. Porta il cibo sul tavolo (When it’s your turn, use the tiles shown below to move your food along the course, if you’re the first to get the food to the table, you’ll win, if not you will be teleported back to the line):

[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome Scherm47

9. If you won, head into the teleport shown below to get your badge, well done!

[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome UK393

description[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome EmptyRe: [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome

Bel game

description[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome EmptyRe: [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome

Grazie! [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome 1826136131

description[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome EmptyRe: [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome

Grazie [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome 2595762641

description[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome EmptyRe: [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome

Grazie [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome 2595762641

description[COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome EmptyRe: [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome

Ottimo, grazie! [COM] Back to School 2014 with HabHome 2595762641
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