Version 0.14.0 (192) release notes (04/02/2021):
- We reduced Marketplace fees significantly.
- Added avatar name tags which will show when hovering over your avatar with your mouse.
- Fixed issue with cancel button in the ‘redeem credit’ dialog sometimes redeeming credits mistakenly.
- Fixed issue with Marketplace where poster furni offers would still show despite being sold out.
- Fix issue with Marketplace sorting filter duplicating offers.
- Fixed a rare crash case that occurred when browsing in the Navigator.
- Implemented a small tweak for inventory load, making the thread usage more efficient.
- Change info terminal window UI.
- Fixes made to avatar movement when clicking on walkable furni above floor level.
- Avatars no longer move behind themselves when clicking on them.
- Fix issue with refreshing the Shop tabs causing disconnection.
Up Next:
- Rendering order and other performance improvements.
- Room building improvements for a better user experience.
- Work continues on downloadable, desktop Habbo clients to solve access and playability issues for our community.
Version 0.13.1 (183) hotfix release notes (26/01/2021):
- Tile cursor indicator has been added.
- Performance improvements for inventory, reducing its memory usage and making it more responsive.
- Various fixes for poster furni on Marketplace. They now show their correct localised names, their room preview rendering is fixed, and an issue where some posters would stack on top of each other is fixed.
- Added some missing localisations.
- Fixed furni shadows. (Shadows were missing.)
- Fixed issue with overlapping chat bubbles.
- Fixed UI issue with Marketplace and Inventory category names overflowing.
Up Next:
- Rendering order and other performance improvements.
- Room building improvements for a better user experience.
Version 0.13.0 (173) release notes (21/01/2021):
- Fixed a performance issue where some Habbos were unable to login and play the game smoothly due to their huge friends list.
- A fix for the Avatar Looks editor has been implemented – we’ve now got a proper, supported direction for all furni. We also fixed a hash collision affecting one item.
- Bug which prevented Habbos from wearing clothing is fixed.
- Bug which prevented furni from showing the correct quantity in inventory is now fixed. This also fixes the issue of a furni being seemingly lost.
- Shop and Builders Club items icon loading times optimised for WebGL.
- Info terminal furni functionality has been revised and fixed.
- Added support for selecting furni in a room by clicking on the furni themselves instead of having to click the tile they are placed on.
- Wrongly displayed room bundle descriptions are now fixed.
- Bug causing an empty view sometimes when selecting a room bundle in the Shop is now fixed.
- HC payday info in the earnings window is fixed. It now shows the correct, unique values.
- Head icon rendering bugs with chat bubbles are fixed.
- More missing localisations have been added and incorrect ones have been fixed.
- Habbo avatars can now be moved to the target position by clicking on furni.
- HC, BC, credits and diamonds purchase links have been added to the website Shop.
- Marketplace offers were still showing up despite them being sold. This is now fixed.
- Bug causing client disconnection when creating additional avatars has been fixed.
- Floorplan editor maximum zoom level has been increased.
- Room chat input field will now stay focused even after clicking elsewhere.
Up Next:
- Rendering order and other performance improvements.
- Room building improvements for a better user experience.
- The white square tile indicator will be added back.
Version 0.12.2 (84) hotfix release notes (05/01/2021):
- Fixed bug preventing Habbos from opening and using avatar looks editor.
- Fixed bug where the Shop catalogue would appear empty after navigating to it using the buttons in the main hotel view.
- Fixed bug causing trophies with no inscriptions on them to not open.
- Fixed bug causing the game to freeze when furni gave effects to the avatar.
contentreport.context.private_chat=a private message
contentreport.user.cantreport=Unfortunately you can't report this habbo, because they haven't chatted and our moderation team is too busy for other kinds of cases.
floorplaneditor.bc.button=BC richiesto per salvare
inventory.filter.clothingtype=By clothing type design
inventory.filter.environment=By environment
inventory.filter.furnitype=By furni type
inventory.filter.sellable=Sellable in room (%amount%)
settings.privacy.everyone=Tutti public offers market
Version 0.12.1 (79) hotfix release notes (31/12/2020):
- Notification icon has been added to the People window button when new private messages are received.
- Fixed issue with black boxes appearing instead of avatar face in the profile view.
- Chat bubbles were also fixed.
- Bug that crashed the game when trophies without engraved text were used has been fixed.
- Fixed issue with multiple priced room bundle offers in the Shop showing incorrect prices.
- Furni and product data parsing on the loading screen have been optimized.
- Possible fix for not opening avatar looks editor.
- LTD numbers are now shown in furni context menu.
- Some missing localizations have been added.
- Variety of other smaller bugs have been fixed.
Version 0.12.0 (74) release notes (30/12/2020):
- Performance optimizations for inventories to provide a smoother experience for Habbos.
- Issue with wrong furni images appearing in the Room Bundles preview is fixed.
- Changed default reference resolution to 1920x1080.
- A private chat feature has been added.
- Fixed bug where the game would crash after renaming a pet.
- Missing notifications which should appear when Habbos submit reports have been added.
Up Next:
- Working to fix issues where Habbos playing with 32bit operating systems get stuck on the loading screen.
- Performance optimization for Builders Club view in the inventory.
- Performance optimization for the in-game Shop.
- Added placeholder box for furni while rooms load.
Version 0.11.0 (52) release notes (21/12/2020):
- Online friends now have a green dot next to their name in the friends list.
- In the friends list, rows are now easier to click to visit your friend’s profile.
- The ‘Furni By Room’ feature was causing major problems for some Habbos that owned a lot of furni. We’ve temporarily disabled this feature and we’ll re-enable it when it’s improved.
- Initial game load time has been improved.
- Inventory loading time and memory usage has been improved.
- Fixed issue with Habbos being unable to enter the game because of the large number of furni in their inventory and rooms.
- Fixed Navigator freezing issues.
- Furni now rotate clockwise like they do in the old Flash client.
- Initial camera zoom level has been reduced. This means Habbos are better able to see a bigger area in the room when they first log in, and zoom levels are preserved on room switches.
- A pilot mode for UI scale change feature has been added
Version 0.10.2 (50) hotfix release notes (18/12/2020):
- Fixed issues with freezing when trying to enter a full room.
- Fixed issue with door teleport relinking.
- Fixed issue where furni wasn’t visible in inventories after Habbos pick them up from their room.
- Fixed issue where inventory failed to load furni icons.
- Added priority loading to inventory filters, so that when Habbos use one of the filters, the furni in the selected filter load faster.
- Free item rewards on multi-quantity purchases in the Shop are fixed and re-enabled with a new configuration.
- Added a confirmation dialog to the Earnings window when Habbos try to claim their Duckets when they’re over the soft limit. This is so none are deducted without them knowing.
- Some localisations for TR hotel are fixed.
- “In room” list now updates when a Habbo leaves the room.
- Fixed room history title text overflow in some languages.
- Room chat history now stays fixed while scrolling.
Version 0.10.1 (39) hotfix release notes (16/12/2020):
- Fixed the bug where items were not visible in inventory after being purchased using the Shop’s search function.
- Optimisations for inventory loading times.
- Notification about Ducket limit being exceeded is now not shown when you spend Duckets.
- Third party libraries licenses have been added to the settings screen.
- Avatar deletion button has been temporarily removed.
- Group report button has been temporarily removed.
- Inventory pagination system has been temporarily removed while we improve it.
- Bug causing the client to freeze when elevator furni is used is now fixed.
- Fixed problem with furni loading when room contained YouTube TV furni.
- Marketplace fee calculation has been modified to slightly increase revenue gained from successful sales.
- Earnings window now shows the cumulative pending income rather than just the most recent.
- Gifting of multiple items is now possible, and is inclusive of the extra incentive amount.
- Chat distance increased significantly, to facilitate chat across large rooms.
Version 0.10.0 (31) release notes (15/12/2020):
- Habbos are now taken to the website after an intentional logout or ban is put in effect.
- Errors and inconsistencies in the client caused by the disabled Marketplace are now fixed.
- We improved the notification received when putting an item up for sale fails in the Marketplace due to price range bounds.
- We made it more clear when you reach your Ducket limit in the UI.
- Habbos are now able to cancel outgoing friend requests.
Version 0.9.0 (19) release notes (04/12/2020):
Marketplace changes:
- Initial 10% operation fee on Marketplace sales has been removed.
- Sales fee for the Marketplace has been re-adjusted.
- New achievement for the Marketplace – the Travelling Salesman. The maximum price set for Marketplace sales will be determined by the level of this achievement.
Other fixes and changes:
- Issues with the new discount system are now fixed.
- Fixed issue where Habbos were getting stuck on the loading screen.
- Fixed issue with client sometimes getting stuck when quickly placing stackable furni on top of each other.
- Wired configuration panel now closes if the wired furni is removed from the room.
- LTD furni labelled properly in inventory and the Shop.
- Fixed some posters in Shop and Marketplace that were missing their names and icons.
- Fixed issues with auto login with last used avatar.
Version 0.9.1 (23) hotfix release notes (04/12/2020):
- Bug causing limitations with Marketplace search is fixed.
- Price input glitches in the Marketplace sales UI are fixed.
- Re-enabled Bug Reporter tool for beta testers.
VERY IMPORTANT: keep in mind that this is NOT a finished product. There are many features (old and new) yet to add, there are a lot of bugs left to fix, and the first release may very well look different. Habbo 2020 will be worked on on an ongoing basis for the foreseeable future, even after the first release.
Vista dell'hotel:
- Il bonus ogni 120 crediti sarà rimosso
- Si potrà visualizzare un solo banner alla volta
Funzionalità presenti nella toolbar:
- Sarà rimosso il "Collega Stanza"
- Lo storico chat si cancellerà dopo che cambierai stanza
- I bottoni per andare nella stanza precedente/storico stanze visitate saranno rimossi
- Il pannello Helper sarà rimosso
- Saranno rimossi gli slot con gli amici online, non ci sarà da nessuna parte una lista di tutti gli amici online
- Sarà rimossa l'anteprima del profilo di destra quando clicchi un Habbo
- Il percorso talenti sarà rimosso
- Il numero di punteggio sarà rimosso
- I Forum saranno rimossi
- La fotocamera sarà rimossa
- I messaggi privati saranno rimossi
Impostazioni stanza:
- Non sarà possibile modificare l'anteprima della stanza
- Il filtro stanza sarà rimosso
- Non sarà possibile modificare il numero massimo di visitatori e sarà sempre a 25
- I tag saranno rimossi
- Il campanello sarà rimosso
- L'impostazione "Permetti ad altri Cuccioli di mangiare" sarà rimossa
- Togliere, modificare grandezza pavimenti/pareti saranno esclusivamente nel forma stanza (BC)
- Rimosse le impostazioni della chat (fumetti, velocità, ecc)
- La funzione dell'udito ci sarà, ma non sarà possibile modificare la massima distanza di udito ne sarà possibile gridare
- Le impostazioni sui diritti sono state rimosse (chi può mettere il muto, cacciare ecc)
- Molti traguardi non sono disponibili e altri verranno mostrati solo se completati.
- L'opzione che permette di far decorare la stanza a tutti i membri sarà rimossa
- Sarà impossibile modificare il nome e il distintivo di un gruppo già creato
- I rapporti saranno rimossi
- Il punteggio sarà rimosso
- Le ricerche salvate non ci saranno più
- Le anteprime delle stanze scompariranno, quelle già create si vedranno solamente nelle informazioni della stanza
- La ricerca per Gruppo non sarà più disponibile
- Le foto, come quella presente in stanza, avranno l'anteprima nera e saranno incliccabili.
- I pacchi regalo, come quello presente in stanza, avranno la dedica invisibile.
- I trofei, come quello presente in stanza, potrà leggerlo solo il proprietario e avrà una grafica orrenda.
- Quando passi il cursore sulle caselle non vedrai più il quadrato bianco
- Nella tua stanza senza gruppo non potrai dare i diritti nè mutare un singolo utente
- Le finestre funzionano male, le luci non funzioneranno proprio, come l'app.
- Se stai chattando, ogni volta che ti muoverai in stanza o cliccherai qualsiasi cosa, dovrai premere T o la chatbar per continuare a scrivere
- La finestra che compare a destra quando si clicca un furni è stata sostituita con un ingombrante messaggio sopra al furno
- Gli scambi saranno completamente rimossi
- Non ci saranno più i rispetti, verranno sostituiti dalle gemme stellari e costeranno 1 duckets
- L'impila magic è completamente rotto, incliccabile se ci sono furni sotto, impossibile mettere un'altezza superiore a 10.
- Impossibile dare un'oggetto
- Non sarà più possibile ascoltare i brani nelle stanze, i furni che fanno suoni non funzioneranno.
- I pacchi regalo costeranno sempre 1C, non si potrà scegliere la carta regalo e non si potrà mettere la dedica
- Quando passi il mouse nelle caselle non vedrai il quadrato bianco
- Le animazioni dei cuccioli non funzioneranno e nemmeno l'allenamento
- I bot non saranno acquistabili e non sarà possibile interagire con quelli già in possesso (cambiare frasi, nome, farlo ballare, rilassare)...
- Il timer sarà attivabile solo attraverso wired
- Non ti puoi girare cliccando un avatar
- I dadi non sono funzionanti
- Il comando :screenshot sarà rimosso
- Il comando :shake è stato rimosso
- Il comando :chooser è stato rimosso
- Giocare ad Habbo calcio sarà impossibile, il pallone lagga troppo
- Le tende non si apriranno quando ci vai dentro
- Il tavolo da crafting non sarà funzionante
- I buchi neri ci saranno ma faranno laggare molto la stanza
- Le vetrine distintivo si vedranno ma non si potranno più acquistare
- I minigame Snowar e Hockey non saranno funzionanti
- Le piante mostruose oltre che non funzionanti faranno spesso crashare la stanza
- Il cavallo non si potrà cavalcare
- Le classifiche non funzioneranno più
- Non sarà possibile spostare, ruotare o cambiare stato a un furni mentre si stanno impostando dei wired
- Ogni volta che viene posato un furno BC la categoria verrà resettata. Questo impedirà la costruzione con BC
- Il caricamento dell'hotel, stanza, inventario e del catalogo saranno molto più lenti rispetto ad ora
- Il rendering delle stanze è completamente rotto: non sarà raro vedere in stanza o nelle pareti parti fucsia o linee strane
- Dopo qualche minuto che si passa in stanza i furni inizieranno a impazzire si sposteranno e cambieranno stato i furni, visivamente. Ciò impedirà di costruire stanze.
- Mentre si guarderà l'inventario, catalogo o mentre si fa qualsiasi altra cosa non si potrà chattare.
- I post-it, proprio come quelli che stai leggendo ora saranno bianchi e non funzionanti
Version 0.8.0 (3) release notes (26/11/2020):
- We implemented a new discount system. Habbos are now rewarded with additional free items when buying multiples of one product in the Shop at the same time. This is instead of a credit discount being applied to the whole price.
- Fixed avatar shadow disappearing when speaking.
- Fixed avatar speaking animations.
- Fixed bug in friend window that occurred when spamming the star button in the friends list.
- Fixed bug where 'people in this room' window sometimes included pets and bots in the list.
- Confirmation dialog added for when you withdraw credits from your vault.
Version 0.7.0 (5) release notes (19/11/2020):
No big additions this week. Aside from lots (and lots) of small bug fixes, here’s the list of more notable changes and additions:
- Shop purchase fail notifications have been improved.
- Monster plant categories have been temporarily removed from the Shop until they’re implemented.
- Item quantity on shop purchases will now reset to '1' after each successful purchase to help avoid unwanted purchases.
- Selecting a friend from the dropdown menu when making an offer on the Marketplace is disabled.
- Navigator now shows a “Show more rooms” button if there are more than 15 rooms in one category. The rest of the rooms will be shown when that button is pressed.
- Donation amount and fee is now presented more clearly in the donation window.
- Chatting animations are fixed.