HabboLife Forum

Il Pirata Volante Tubman è in arrivo su Origins

Submit a catchy sea shanty about Habbo and you might win a Typewriter!

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Siren Songs and Shanties

Ahoy, my Pirates!
When I went to feed my beloved pet Bulldozer today I found this sticky note on my wall:
Hoy again, you careless Manager!
I guess you’ve never heard the wise old saying “Guard your own goods”. While you were so busy asking the Habbos to find your little Rares, we kidnapped your mangy little critter. 
I wonder if dogs are good at walking the plank.
- Captain Murphy and his Law

YOU need to save Bulldozer!

The problem is simple. Where did Captain Murphy hide my pet dog Bulldozer? Bulldog likes singing so maybe you can lure him out with a sweet siren song? 
Create a Sea Shanty about the Habbo Seas and lure my dog out of hiding!
- The Flying Tubman

How to enter

  1. Write a Sea Shanty. You can use ChatGPT or other AI services to write the song ✏
  2. Record yourself (or another person) singing your Sea Shanty! The singer doesn’t need to be you – you can use AI-powered text to speech software. If you choose to use a backing track, make sure it's rights-free!
  3. Post your sea shanty on X, Threads or Instagram, making sure to put #HabboHotelOrigins in the caption, between now and 8am UTC (1am PDT / 9am BST) on 20th September. 
  4. Please also add your post to this form so we don’t miss your entry.

Winners will be announced on September 24th.

What we want to hear:

  • A catchy sea shanty the Origins team will be singing for days 🎵
  • PROPER sea shanty singing – remember that you can use text to speech services if you don’t want to sing it yourself!
  • Your Sea Shanty has to mention Habbo and/or Habbo related items

ℹ Note: the use of tools like ChatGPT and AI text to speech services will be allowed for this competition. This means you don’t need to sing if you don't want to 😁


The winners will win a Typewriter. Below are the number of winners per hotel:
  • 5 players from .COM 
  • 3 from ES
  • 3 from .COM.BR