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HabboLife Forum

Ricerca Mondiale

14 partecipanti

Ricerca Mondiale

Ciao amici, mi chiamo Gustaph e sono un ragazzo degli Stati Uniti. Ma non è questo il oggeto principale.

Sì, io sto usando traduttore. Mi scusi per questo.

Bene, vorrei chiedere l'aiuto di uno o due di voi, per aiutarci a fare una ricerca in tutto l'hotel, preferibilmente qualcuno che conosce l'inglese. Ho l'aiuto di:

Schroeder (hotel francese)
Made.in.leine (hotel francese)
lais16gatinha (hotel brasiliano)
Layed (hotel brasiliano)
LaisFigueiredo (hotel di lingua spagnola)
io (hotel di lingua inglese)

Per favore, contattemi se qualcuno vuole. Non è necessario passare informazioni personali, ma sarà l'invio di domande via e-mail (il mio: gustaph@techie.com) poi io manderò le istruzioni. Ogni faranno interviste per conto proprio nel suo hotel.

Grazie per la atenzione.

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Di niente wagliò!

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Benvenuto sei registrato su tutto tranne che su habbo italia

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Benvenuto puoi spiegarci di cosa si tratta questo progetto ?
Parla pure inglese se vuoi

Ultima modifica di Fabian il Mar 28 Ago 2012 - 21:47 - modificato 2 volte.

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Non c' ho capito una mazza

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

welcome in the habbolifeforum :hoo:

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Welcome! C:

Guarda che Fabian vuole piu Info! Ricerca Mondiale 2595762641

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Welcome to Habbolifeforum! I am-Matex-can you give me more explanation of this World'' Search''? Thanks.

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

WOW Ricerca Mondiale 2595762641 Da che città vieni dell'America? Ricerca Mondiale 161826536


Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Ciao °-°

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Leakson ha scritto:
Non c' ho capito una mazza

e.e sorry Ricerca Mondiale 743854

-MaTeX- ha scritto:
Welcome to Habbolifeforum! I am-Matex-can you give me more explanation of this World'' Search''? Thanks.

Well, I and my friends wanted to do a inquiry with all the hotels we can reach, highlighting the differences in the habbo's "lifestyle". We'd need to get people of different nationalities to do this. That idea came when I was visiting the Spanish Hotel, I realized that they use the dollar simbol ($) to represent our "coins". Then I visited the brazilian hotel and realized a diference again... they use "c" (cambio) to represent coins. The rare's name also change.

So I decided to further study these differences, but I don't speak many languages​​. So I decided to appeal to natives, as here you italians. For now is being a cool experience, but I want more people with others languages.

AsyaStar7 ha scritto:
WOW Ricerca Mondiale 428146 Da che città vieni dell'America? :o


Dallas - Texas

Thanks to all, someday I'll learn Italian.

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Hi, I saw your topic in a brazilian/portuguese fansite that I frequent but I decided to comment here (because I have a few posts) 😪

First of all, I am brazilian. Do not ask why I am here... I am in practically all fansites you imagine Ricerca Mondiale 143710

If I understand your topic you want to do a interview with the persons of Habbo Italy/others Habbos, but as you not speak other languages you wanted help. I am interesed, but you already have two brazilian members. I speak also spanish fluently anyway I will contact you.

Welcome :hoo:

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Gianlucca ha scritto:
Hi, I saw your topic in a brazilian/portuguese fansite that I frequent but I decided to comment here (because I have a few posts) Ricerca Mondiale 813347

First of all, I am brazilian. Do not ask why I am here... I am in practically all fansites you imagine Ricerca Mondiale 143710

If I understand your topic you want to do a interview with the persons of Habbo Italy/others Habbos, but as you not speak other languages you wanted help. I am interesed, but you already have two brazilian members. I speak also spanish fluently anyway I will contact you.

Welcome Ricerca Mondiale 891711

If you can talk with the "spaniards", all right! But if you can't, no problem...

Thanks to all and, again, sorry by the invasion.

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Dear Gustaph, ok I understand now if I want I can take part in this search'' World'' of Habbo.it my name: Ho20Amici

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Welcome Gustaph Ricerca Mondiale 845162

wow very good Ricerca Mondiale 2595762641 when I have time I will send you an email Ricerca Mondiale 1437316102

Thanks Ricerca Mondiale 1182390374

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Hi Gustaph,
first of all I'd like to tell you that you had a great idea. I hope the results will be published somewhere to be read by everyone once you've finished your research. Keep us informed! ;)

Surely I'm willing to take part in your research, but I don't know if I want to be an interviewer (if I understood correctly, you need local Habbos to carry out interviews). Could you be more specific about the way you will collect data and how do you think to build a valid statistical sample?
I don't think going from room to room asking questions will work...

Thank you.

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Welcome Ricerca Mondiale 3260680847

Re: Ricerca Mondiale

Gustaph ha scritto:

-MaTeX- ha scritto:
Welcome to Habbolifeforum! I am-Matex-can you give me more explanation of this World'' Search''? Thanks.

Well, I and my friends wanted to do a inquiry with all the hotels we can reach, highlighting the differences in the habbo's "lifestyle". We'd need to get people of different nationalities to do this. That idea came when I was visiting the Spanish Hotel, I realized that they use the dollar simbol ($) to represent our "coins". Then I visited the brazilian hotel and realized a diference again... they use "c" (cambio) to represent coins. The rare's name also change.

So I decided to further study these differences, but I don't speak many languages​​. So I decided to appeal to natives, as here you italians. For now is being a cool experience, but I want more people with others languages.

Okay, now I understand what you gonna do Ricerca Mondiale 373728
If I' ll have more time (now it's summer and I'm going to the beach), I' ll help you Ricerca Mondiale 1437316102

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