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Habbolife Forum è un fansite ufficiale di Habbo hotel. Rimani aggiornato sulle notizie di questo magnifico mondo virtuale e sugli ultimi argomenti di attualità!

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Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' 14b6vx3
In seguito alla scoperta dei Nuovi Effetti 'Habboween 2012' abbiamo scoperto qualcosa sulle Nuove missioni: i loro relativi codici.

quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.desc = "Now Bring me some food or i'll eat you alive!"
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.button = Submit your room now
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.completed = "Delicious ! Those ones always make good starters but I'm still hungry..."
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.desc = "Go to the morgue now! I need fresh corpses now"
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.hint = The boss has returned and the Fair is back in business, now it's time for the grand opening! Enlighten the Fairground Entrance: Stand next to it with a friend.
landing.view.competition.hof.hween12.rankdesc.other = Top 10 Freakshow
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.hint = Enter a room with 5 Habbos in bodybags.
landing.view.hween12.masks.opencatalog = Go to Shop
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.desc = Spread the news! The Fair is back in business!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.completed = Lovely creatures. Did you know they're couriers for the Boss? It's true, they're so underpaid. They've been trying to unionise, but it's been tough...
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.hint = There is waste everywhere. How can she live in such a putrid place? Put something on your noise: that smell is awful!
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.name = BON APPETIT
landing.view.hween12.community.button = Get your freak on!
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.name = MEET BUBONICA!
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.name = THE LAST SUPPER
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.completed = Thanks you! And actually I'm kinda hun! gry now. .. Zzzz...... No, I'm not sleeping, I'm buzzing.... Two wings good, eight legs bad..."
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.hint = "They are there, everywhere, hunting me... It's really buzzing me off! Please help me by getting rid of the spiders! Hit 10 different breeds out there and U'll tell you everything!"
quests.habboween_2012_1.1349699937998.chaincaption = Meet Ringmaster Dave
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.completed = The Fairground lights up the night! Soon the customers will arrive, Get ready to welcome them - it's just like the good days of golden glory!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.hint = Your presence here is sacrilege. Spot 13 different cat breeds to break the curse.
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.completed = Cheers! Now We're ready to have fun...Until the Fairground burns again. The truth is it wasn't an accident - But sometimes truth hurts, and the sins of the father.... My son, my son, what have ye done?
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.name = CALL THE BOSS
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.desc = Half fly, half human, She's there on a wall staring at you.
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.name = MEET RINGMASTER DAVE
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.completed = Feel better now? She's coming closer and starts talking... Bzzzz....zzzzzz....zzzzzzz It sounds like a dentist drill, or dubstep...
landing.view.hween12.costumes.opencatalog = Go to Shop
landing.view.hween12.masks.bodytext = The Fairground is full of all kinds of freaks and geeks, want to fit in? Get yourself a costume!
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.completed = Great job: I can feel the "BOSS" coming! And I don't mean Bruce Springsteen. I really don't. Seriously, what would Bruce Springsteen h! ave to d o with Habboween? You so crazy.
landing.view.hween12.quest.header = Beware of the Fairground Of Fear!
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.desc = "I want more food! Take me to a rotten meat restaurant!"
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.name = HIT SPIDERS
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.desc = He's there, standing. And you're not welcomed apparently...
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.hint = "How dare you coming here? The Fairground is closed and you're not a Freak! Hide your pretty face. I can't stand this view."
quests.habboween_2012_1.1349699937998.chaininfo = Step into the shadows, between life and death to discover what really happened ten years ago and destroyed the Fair...
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.header = Save Habbo and revive the Fairground!
landing.view.hween12.community.bodytext = Put your costumes on and take a Fairground hopper to freak out the neigbourhood! Scare enough people and you'll receive the exclusive and elusive Freak Out badge!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.name = SUPERSTITION
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.vote.bodytext = Vote for the best Freakshow now!
landing.view.hween12.quest.bodytext = The Fairground has come to Habbo, but not the kind you'd expect. Many years ago a great tragedy fell upon the fair and it was burned to the ground. But now, on the tenth anniversary of the fire it has returned, demanding that Habbos help it rebuild. Some say the Fair is still haunted by the ghosts of all those who perished, some say it wasn't an accident but the work of one of the carnies, driven insane... The truth lies within the darkness, dare you find it?
landing.view.hween12.community.header = Freak Out the Neighbourhood
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_! spider_b reeds.desc = "Who are you? What do you want? Where are the spiders?"
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.bodytext = The ghosts of the old Fair are upset by our presence and threaten to burn the Hotel (will they ever learn? arson is never the answer!) unless we help them revive the Fair and the old Freakshow. Run the best Freakshow in your Hotel to win and save the Hotel.
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.bodytext = During Habboween for every Credit you purchase you receive 5 Pumpkins! Pumpkins can be used to buy Habboween Furni. Get into the Habboween spirit and get yours today!
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.hint = Find a room with 1 Habboween table, 4 habboween chairs, 1 brain plate, 1 head plate and 1 eye balls plate. Yummy!
landing.view.hween12.costumes.bodytext = The Fairground is full of all kinds of freaks and geeks, want to fit in? Get yourself a costume!
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.vote.header = Save Habbo! Revive the old Freakshow!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.desc = "We, in the show business are really superstitious people...
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.desc = Now serve our first hundred guests a blood drink.
landing.view.hween12.quest.openquest2 = Meet Bubonica
landing.view.hween12.quest.openquest3 = Meet Buffo
landing.view.hween12.quest.openquest1 = Meet Ringmaster Dave
landing.view.hween12.quest.openquest6 = Meet Ella Mae
landing.view.hween12.quest.openquest7 = Meet Mario
landing.view.hween12.quest.openquest4 = Meet Pomogo
landing.view.hween12.quest.openquest5 = Meet The Executioner
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.completed = "Now that you look like my old friend Joseph Merrick, there's a few things you need to d! o before I tell you what I know about the terrible disaster..."
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.hint = Find a zombie butler, click on it to get a blood drink and give it to 100 habbos.
quests.habboween_2012_2.1349716378824.chaincaption = Meet Lady Bubonica
quests.habboween_2012_2.1349716378824.chaininfo = Uncover the secrets of the Fair, Bubonica the Inhuman Fly awaits your presence.
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.header = Don't wait to turn into a pumpkin!
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.name = REVIVE THE CARNIVALE
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.name = WELCOME!
landing.view.hween12.costumes.header = Get Freaky!
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.hint = Take a bath full of blood and stand next to a Habboween mirror. Then repeat "BOSS" 666 times.
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.vote.button = Vote now.
landing.view.hween12.masks.header = Get Freaky!
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.completed = "Humm... Sooo good ! But I'm not done yet...Zzzzz...."
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.opencredit = Get pumpkins
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.completed = "Zzzz.... What a feast! You know, I was born like this? My mother was allegedly impregnated by a radioactive fly. The Fairground? I heard rumourz only, about who the Ringmaster's son was, I never had children, my greatest regret, after turning down a part in The Avengers."
landing.view.hween12.community.timercaption = Time remaining
landing.view.competition.hof.hween12.rankdesc.leader = The Freakiest
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.name = HELL'S KITCHEN
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.hint = Click on 20 horse poops to please Lady Bubonica.
landing.view.hween12.community.achieved.caption = AHHHHHHHHH! You spread the fear throughout the Fair! Congratulations!
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.desc = Never hear about the Boss? Then let's call "it" now...
catalog.alert.purchaseerror.badgeexists.description = You (or the Habbo you're purchasing for) already own this badge! You can't purchase it again!

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Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' ACH_Habboween12

Ultima modifica di Fabian il Mar 9 Ott 2012 - 22:21 - modificato 1 volta.

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Ricordo che nei Codici sono presenti:

Nuova Moneta: Zucca


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descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

woooow ;D

descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

Azz gia si parla di Halloween? D:

descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

Grazie ;-)

descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

Non è troppo presto per Halloween? xD Comunque grazie

descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

Grazie,ma siamo appena al 09/10/2012 ...

descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

Si è troppo presto, ma non dite la stessa cosa...non dovevo postarlo??? LOL

descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

Fabian ha scritto:
Si è troppo presto, ma non dite la stessa cosa...non dovevo postarlo??? LOL

Si criticava lo staff :sisi:

descriptionNuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012' EmptyRe: Nuovi Codici - Missioni 'HabboWeen 2012'

wow vedremo *o*
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