Sono stati caricati Nuovi Codici che fanno pensare ad una fantastica novità, ovvero la possibilità di accoppiare i propri Cuccioli!
Come facilmente intuibile grazie ai Codici, l'accoppiamento potrà essere effettuato solo su una cuccia specifica non ancora caricata.
Ecco a voi i Codici!
Come facilmente intuibile grazie ai Codici, l'accoppiamento potrà essere effettuato solo su una cuccia specifica non ancora caricata.
Ecco a voi i Codici!
gotobreedingnestfailure.getnest=Get a breeding nest
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.1=This room has no breeding nests suitable for your pet.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.0=This room has no breeding nests.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.3=The second pet to the nest needs to be owned by the nest owner.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.2=The nest has no room for your pet.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.6=Your pet is too tired to breed.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.4=Your pet is already in the nest.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.5=Pet cannot find a way to the nest.
gotobreedingnestfailure.caption=OH NO!
gotobreedingnestfailure.getfood=Get some pet food
gotobreedingnestfailure.subtitle=Your pet cannot go to the breeding nest
breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.4=COMMON (%percent%%)
breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.2=RARE (%percent%%)
breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.3=UNCOMMON (%percent%%) breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.1=EPIC (percent%%) the name of the puppy and try again!
breedpets.confirmation.widget.button.cancel=No thanks, maybe later!
breedpets.cancel.notification.text=Jalostus on peruttu.
breedpets.cancel.notification.title=Jalostus peruttu
breedpets.confirmation.widget.request=Do you want to breed these pets and parent a cute little baby pet? levels of the parents will affect the probability of getting new breeds that are rare. For these two pets the possible colors are as follows:
breedpets.confirmation.widget.text=Breeding these two pets will result a new baby pet for you to take care of. The nest will disappear in the
process, but the parents will reamin unharmed!
breedpets.confirmation.alert.nonest.head=No nest found! nam
breedpets.confirmation.alert.nonest.desc=Could not find the breeding nest
breedpets.confirmation.alert.petsmissing.head=Pets missing
breedpetsresult.widget.seed1.description=Omistaja: %name%