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[ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

13 partecipanti

[ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

In Habbo sono stati caricati Nuovi Codici che testimoniano l'arrivo di Missioni Natalizie, più altro che riguarderà XMAS12, probabilmente venerdi su Tutti gli Hotel!
[ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! Evento11


landing.view.xmas2012.mystery.title=Mystery Box!
quests.xmas2012_7.xmas2012_7.chaincaption=WALK YOUR PET
mysterybox.dialog.owner.cancel=Cancel opening
mysterybox.tracker.key.red=Red Key
mysterybox.error.inactive.guest.title=Mystery Box
quests.xmas2012_9.decorate_xmas_tree.completed=You know what they say! The bigger the tree the more money you have to spend on decorations.
mysterybox.error.unexpected.message=Something went wrong. Please, re-login and try to open the box again. (shown after opening the box if donating the prizes failed)
quests.xmas2012_1.xmas2012_1.chaincaption=FEEL THE LOVE
mysterybox.dialog.other.title=Mystery Box
quests.xmas2012_7.walk_the_pet.hint=Visit 3 rooms with your pet that contains 3 pets.
mysterybox.tracker.link=Click here for more info >>>
quests.xmas2012_9.decorate_xmas_tree.desc=H-14! It's time to decorate the giant Xmas tree
quests.xmas2012_1.xmas2012_1.chaininfo=Indulge yourself and receive affection today.
mysterybox.error.inactive.owner.title=Mystery Box
quests.xmas2012_8.hi_to_reindeers.hint=Dress as a reindeer and visit 5 rooms with a reindeer. then wave at him.
quests.xmas2012_3.xmas2012_3.chaininfo=Now that you made friends what about ice skating today?
landing.view.xmas2012.mystery.caption=Have You Got Your Mystery Box?
quests.xmas2012_9.decorate_xmas_tree.hint=Visit 3 rooms with a giant Xmas tree and 3 Habbos. Then double-click on it.
quests.xmas2012_3.xmas2012_3.chaincaption=HABBO ON ICE
xmas2012.calendar.title=Advent Calendar 2012
landing.view.xmas2012.mystery.bodytext=Complete the advent calendar quest each day to receive your key and activate your Mystery Box. You can use your key to help a friend unlock their box, and once your box is activated you need to find a friend with the same coloured key to unlock your box.
quests.xmas2012_6.xmas2012_6.chaincaption=CUDDLE PETS
mysterybox.tracker.box.lilac=Lilac Box
quests.xmas2012_2.pass_coffee_drink.completed=There, now everyone's warmed up and full of caffeine!
mysterybox.dialog.owner.subtitle=You have started opening the box.
quests.xmas2012_9.xmas2012_9.chaincaption=XMAS TREE
mysterybox.error.already_opened.subtitle=This Mystery Box is already opened
mysterybox.dialog.other.description=The mystery box can now be opened by its owner.
quests.xmas2012_3.skate_w_friends.desc=Now that you made friends what about ice skating today?
quests.xmas2012_9.decorate_xmas_tree.name=XMAS TREE
landing.view.xmas2012.main1.header=The Christmas Castle!
landing.view.xmas2012.furni3.bodytext=These exclusive Xmas rares are available for a limited time only, get them while you can! They're mind-blowing!
mysterybox.dialog.owner.waiting=Waiting for the other user to insert the key.
quests.val12_11.1328047974832.desc=It's getting hot in here! Get yourself a sexy summer style...
quests.xmas2012_3.skate_w_friends.hint=Visit 3 rooms with a ice skating rink and and ice skate with 3 Habbos each time.
mysterybox.tracker.key.orange=Orange Key
quests.xmas2012_6.scratch_pets.desc=It will soon be xmas for them too.
quests.xmas2012_4.xmas2012_4.chaincaption=PLAY FREEZE
mysterybox.context.owner.use=Open box
landing.view.xmas2012.furni2.bodytext=Celebrate your Christmas in the Castle with this ice-cool Furni range!
mysterybox.context.other.use=Use key
mysterybox.tracker.box.orange=Orange Box
mysterybox.dialog.owner.description=Another player with the key of the same colour is needed to unlock the box.
mysterybox.tracker.box.green=Green Box
quests.xmas2012_5.user_has_bath.completed=Ahhhh! That's very soothing
mysterybox.tracker.description=Find friends with mystery boxes and keys that match your lock and key.
mysterybox.tracker.box.purple=Purple Box
landing.view.xmas2012.furni1.bodytext=Deck the halls with this thrilling festive furni!
quests.xmas2012_5.user_has_bath.hint=Find a hot tub and have a bath there with 3 other Habbos.
xmas2012.calendar.infobox.right.text=Complete a daily Xmas quest to activate your box and get a key. Your key can be used to help unlock a friends box, and once your box is activated a friend can help you unlock it for nifty prizes!
quests.xmas2012_5.xmas2012_5.chaininfo=You did a lot of exercise in the past 2 days. Now relax.
quests.xmas2012_5.user_has_bath.desc=You did a lot of exercice in the past 2 days. Now relax.
quests.xmas2012_7.xmas2012_7.chaininfo=He needs friends too!
mysterybox.context.title=Mystery box
mysterybox.tracker.key.lilac=Lilac Key
quests.xmas2012_6.xmas2012_6.chaininfo=It will soon be Xmas for them too, show some love!
quests.xmas2012_8.xmas2012_8.chaininfo=Wild animals need affection too...
quests.xmas2012_3.skate_w_friends.name=HABBO ON ICE
landing.view.xmas2012.opencatalog=Go to shop!
quests.xmas2012_4.play_freeze.completed=Good stuff!
mysterybox.error.inactive.guest.message=Owner of this box must complete daily quest chain to activate it.
quests.xmas2012_9.xmas2012_9.chaininfo=H-14! It's time to decorate the giant Xmas tree
landing.view.xmas2012.main2.bodytext=It may be warm and safe inside the Christmas Castle, but outside a cold wind blows. A blizzard of snow, ice and despair rocks the land, and the ice cold Snow Sirens stalk the land, so be careful! The only way to stop her is to melt her icy heart with the poweer of friendship (and if that fails, apple pie should work).
landing.view.xmas2012.furni1.header=Xmas Furni Is In The Shop
landing.view.xmas2012.furni3.header=Rares in the shop now!
landing.view.xmas2012.vote.caption=Time to vote
quests.xmas2012_2.pass_coffee_drink.hint=Pass a coffee to ten Habbos today
quests.xmas2012_2.xmas2012_2.chaininfo=It's freezing outside. Be nice and serve coffee today...
mysterybox.tracker.title=Mystery Box Challenge
quests.xmas2012_8.hi_to_reindeers.completed=Watch out, I think that reindeer's fallen in love with you!
mysterybox.dialog.other.waiting=Waiting for the owner to open the box.
quests.xmas2012_1.user_collects_kisses.completed=Do you feel the warmth of the season now?
quests.VIP_parties_3.1349257422809.chaininfo=Complete these quests to get your access pass to the Vault Parties.
mysterybox.error.wrong_key.subtitle=Your key doesn't match this Mystery Box
mysterybox.error.inactive.owner.message=Activate this box by completing daily quest chain.
landing.view.xmas2012.furni2.header=Brand New Xmas Castle Furni in the Shop now.
mysterybox.error.title=Mystery Box
quests.xmas2012_6.scratch_pets.completed=Aw, how cute.
quests.xmas2012_6.scratch_pets.hint=Scratch a dog, a cat, a terrier and a polar bear!
mysterybox.error.no_key.message=Get the key by completing daily quest chain.
mysterybox.error.already_unlocked.subtitle=This Mystery Box is already unlocked by someone else
quests.xmas2012_4.play_freeze.name=PLAY FREEZE
mysterybox.error.inactive.owner.subtitle=This Mystery Box is not active yet
mysterybox.tracker.key.blue=Blue Key
quests.xmas2012_7.walk_the_pet.name=WALK YOUR PET
mysterybox.error.already_opened.guest.message=This box will close again (and contain a new prize) when the owner completes the next daily quest chain..
landing.view.xmas2012.furni4.bodytext=The baby pets are here! Take good care of them and keep them happy with our exciting range of food and toys!
quests.xmas2012_8.xmas2012_8.chaincaption=SAY HI TO REINDEERS
mysterybox.error.no_key.subtitle=You do not have the key to this Mystery Box
quests.xmas2012_1.user_collects_kisses.desc=Indulge yourself and receive affection today.
quests.xmas2012_3.skate_w_friends.completed=Good work!
quests.xmas2012_1.user_collects_kisses.name=FEEL THE LOVE
mysterybox.dialog.other.subtitle=You have inserted your key in the lock.
quests.xmas2012_5.xmas2012_5.chaincaption=HAVE A RELAXING BATH
mysterybox.error.inactive.subtitle=This Mystery Box is not active yet
landing.view.xmas2012.furni4.header=Buy pet accessories for your new baby pet.
quests.xmas2012_8.hi_to_reindeers.desc=Wild animals need affection too...
mysterybox.tracker.key.purple=Purple Key
xmas2012.calendar.infobox.left.text=Do not lose your chest. Place it in your room and make sure you open it every day with a friend for daily prizes.
landing.view.xmas2012.main1.bodytext=Head north this winter for a Christmas celebration like no other! The winter is coming and as the darkness of the season slowly envelops the land, we head to the Christmas Castle to stay warm and have an old fashioned Christmas. But outside the castle walls, Lucrecia the snow siren waits to lure Habbos out into the cold and their doom...
mysterybox.tracker.box.red=Red Box
mysterybox.error.already_opened.owner.message=This box will close again (and contain a new prize) when you complete the next daily quest chain..
landing.view.xmas2012.vote.title=Room Competition
mysterybox.tracker.box.yellow=Yellow Box
mysterybox.dialog.other.cancel=Remove your key
mysterybox.tracker.key.yellow=Yellow Key
mysterybox.tracker.key.green=Green Key
mysterybox.error.wrong_key.message=Go find box with the same color as your key. You can check key color from the little "Mystery Box" widget at the right side of the screen.
quests.xmas2012_5.user_has_bath.name=HAVE A RELAXING BATH
landing.view.xmas2012.main3.header=Merry Christmas!
quests.xmas2012_4.xmas2012_4.chaininfo=What about playing Freeze today?
mysterybox.tracker.box.blue=Blue Box
quests.xmas2012_7.walk_the_pet.desc=He needs friends too!
quests.xmas2012_8.hi_to_reindeers.name=SAY HI TO REINDEERS
landing.view.xmas2012.main2.header=Beware The Snow Siren
mysterybox.error.inactive.guest.subtitle=This Mystery Box is not active yet
landing.view.xmas2012.vote.bodytext=Vote for your favourite room in the Castle Keep room competition! The first prize winner will win an exclusive badge!
mysterybox.tracker.key.turquoise=Turquoise Key
quests.xmas2012_2.pass_coffee_drink.name=GET WARMED UP
quests.xmas2012_4.play_freeze.desc=What about playing Freeze today?
mysterybox.tracker.box.turquoise=Turquoise Box
landing.view.xmas2012.main3.bodytext=Things are hotting up just in time for Christmas! The love and friendship of Habbos the world over has started to melt the ice and the snow sirens have started their retreat!
quests.xmas2012_4.play_freeze.hint=Bomb another Habbo in a Freeze game.
quests.xmas2012_2.pass_coffee_drink.desc=It's freezing outside. Be nice and serve coffee today...
quests.xmas2012_1.user_collects_kisses.hint=Visit 5 rooms with Habbos blowing kisses at you.
mysterybox.error.already_unlocked.guest.message=Go find another un-opened box of the same color.
quests.xmas2012_2.xmas2012_2.chaincaption=GET WARMED UP
quests.xmas2012_6.scratch_pets.name=CUDDLE PETS
quests.xmas2012_7.walk_the_pet.completed=Isn't friendship magic?

quests.xmas2012_30.wave_in_5_rooms.name=MAKE FRIENDS
quests.xmas2012_30.wave_in_5_rooms.desc=Xmas is coming. It's time to make friends
quests.xmas2012_30.wave_in_5_rooms.hint=Visit 5 rooms, wave to Habbos there and have them waving back at you.
quests.xmas2012_30.wave_in_5_rooms.completed=Isn't friendship great?
quests.xmas2012_30.xmas2012_30.chaincaption=MAKE FRIENDS
quests.xmas2012_30.xmas2012_30.chaininfo=Xmas is coming. It's time to make some friends!

Riassunto della competizione tratto dai codici (A cura di Plexos): il Calendario dell'Avvento è confermato. Ogni giorno ci sarà da completare delle Missioni che permetteranno di ricevere una chiave per aprire una Mistery Box ("Scatola Misteriosa"). Il problema sarà che le chiavi saranno colorate, quindi sarà necessario collaborare con altri Habbo per trovare la chiave che apre il lucchetto della propria Mistery Box. Affinché si apra è necessario che anche il proprietario della Mistery Box abbia completato le Missioni, e non solo chi ha la chiave. I colori che ho trovato (sia per le scatole sia per le chiavi) sono otto: rosso, arancione, verde, viola, lilla, blu, giallo, turchese.

Immagini Missioni: https://www.habbolifeforum.com/t20562-

Ultima modifica di Gabry il Mar 27 Nov 2012 - 17:13 - modificato 3 volte.

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Bene bene!
Avviso che anche sul Forum avverrà una campagna natalizia [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! 1826136131

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

OK,.. ma quando appare il fantasma oggi?

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Riassunto della competizione tratto dai codici: il Calendario dell'Avvento è confermato. Ogni giorno ci sarà da completare delle Missioni che permetteranno di ricevere una chiave per aprire una Mistery Box ("Scatola Misteriosa"). Il problema sarà che le chiavi saranno colorate, quindi sarà necessario collaborare con altri Habbo per trovare la chiave che apre il lucchetto della propria Mistery Box. Affinché si apra è necessario che anche il proprietario della Mistery Box abbia completato le Missioni, e non solo chi ha la chiave. I colori che ho trovato (sia per le scatole sia per le chiavi) sono otto: rosso, arancione, verde, viola, lilla, blu, giallo, turchese.

Sembra proprio una bella competizione! [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! 3260680847

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Grandissimo Plexo!!!

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Okkey [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! 126469808

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Plexo ok

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Ottimo! [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! 845162

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Grazie [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! 4111726223

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Ottimo, grazie

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Grazie per il riassunto plex asd aggiunto link alle icone

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Era ora che si davano una mossa a fare delle belle competizioni! [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! 2595762641

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Non vedo l'ora [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012! 2595762641

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

Comunque ho ricontrollato oggi i codici e alcuni sono stati cancellati senza un apparente motivo xD

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

ottimo non vedo l'ora!!

Re: [ALL] Codici Missioni Natale 2012!

le sto facendo
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