In Habbo sta per arrivare un Nuovo Game nel Gamecenter: dai codici si parla di Storie, Habbo storie per la precisione... Il Game a giudicare dai codici, potrebbe essere stato realizzato da Elisa, azionista leader di Sulake e leader finlandese nella telefonia!
gamecenter.elisa_habbo_stories.description_title=Beta launch, exclusively for "Read & Share" group members!
gamecenter.elisa_habbo_stories.description_content=A variety of comic in Habbo! This is a beta releases. We are continuously adding content and features. This is just a beginning. Please give us feedback in upcoming poll, tell us your opinion.Stay tuned!
gamecenter.elisa_habbo_stories.description_content=A variety of comic in Habbo! This is a beta releases. We are continuously adding content and features. This is just a beginning. Please give us feedback in upcoming poll, tell us your opinion.Stay tuned!