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[ALL] Codici Forums, Vicious Rares e Furni Viking!

22 partecipanti

[ALL] Codici Forums, Vicious Rares e Furni Viking!

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In Habbo sono stati caricati tantissimi nuovi codici! Andiamo ad analizzarli insieme!

1) I primi codici sono senz'altro riguardanti l'arrivo dei Forum per le Gilde su Habbo! A breve infatti potrai creare messaggi all'interno delle tue gilde.. tutto grazie ad un terminal!

[ALL] Codici Forums, Vicious Rares e Furni Viking! - Pagina 2 Guild_forums_teaser


catalog.alert.group_has_forum=Questa gilda ha già un forum, quindi otterrari solamente un nuovo terminal per esso!
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notification.forums.delivered.message=Congratulazioni!La Gilda "%GROUPNAME%" ha adesso un Forum!
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2) Nel fine settimana arriveranno dei "HC Viking Rares Box" esclusivamente per gli iscritti al Habbo Club! Essi saranno in catalogo per un tempo molto limitato!


landing.view.Hcvikingrares.body=Grab your axe and get ready for battle - these Habbo Club exclusive Viking Rares are only here for a limited time! With a 1 of 3 AWESOME rares in each box, the odds are definitely in your favor. Available for this weekend only.
landing.view.Hcvikingrares.header=HC Viking Rares Box
landing.view.lastchancevikingfurni.body=From weapon racks and heads on spikes, to ornate hand-carved wood chairs and benches - This furni has everything you need and more to create the Viking village of your dreams. With furni available in Clan colours, you can display your true loyalty with pride!

3) Sicuramente non potevano mancare i Furni a tema Vichingo! Essi veranno caricati a breve!


landing.view.lastchancevikingfurni.header=LAST CHANCE: Vicious Viking Furni
landing.view.vikingfurni.body=From weapon racks and heads on spikes, to ornate hand-carved wood chairs and benches - This furni has everything you need and more to create the Viking village of your dreams. With furni available in Clan colours, you can display your true loyalty with pride!
landing.view.vikingfurni.header=Vicious Viking Furni is here!
anding.view.vikingrares.body=The wait is over - The VICIOUS Viking Clan Rares are finally here! These gruesome rares are only available for a limited time, about 6-8 hours; so make sure to watch the sun dial...
landing.view.vikingrares.header=HURRAH - It's Viking Rares!

4) Insieme ai Furni a tema, arriverà anche un esclusivo affare stanza prefabbricato con un Distintivo (Viking Clan Bundles)!


landing.view.vikingclanbundles.body=With axes and shields and flags aplenty, these FEROCIOUS room bundles are sure to appease even the scariest Vikings of Habbo! With an EXCLUSIVE bundle for each Clan, plus an AWESOME Badge, you won't want to let these sail away! Available via credit purchase only.
landing.view.vikingclanbundles.header=Viking Clan Bundles!

5) Nel Navigatore a breve potrai trovare due nuove categorie per filtrare le tue stanze! La prima ti farà vedere le stanze in cui tu sei iscritto alla gilda, la seconda ti mostrerà tutte le stanze nella quale hai i diritti per spostare i furni!

navigator.navisel.mygroups=Stanze dei gruppi a cui appartengo
navigator.navisel.roomswithrights=Stanze dove ho diritti

Resta sintonizzato su Habbolife Forum! Tante novità in arrivo!

6) Ecco i nomi e le descrizioni dei 41 furni vichinghi che saranno caricati prossimamente e che vi mostreremo a breve!


["vikings_woodcrn","Timber Corner","Carved with the best lumber"]
["vikings_stonedivdr","Stone Divider","Keep the enemy out."]
["vikings_stonecrn","Stone Corner","Keep the enemy out."]
["vikings_wallshield_g","Battleshade Wall Shield","Vikings need decorative accents too."]
["vikings_thor","Mjolnir of Thor","If you don't try, you'll never know."]
["vikings_chesspiece","Viking Chess Piece","Similar rules to Wizard's Chess."]
["vikings_flag_r","Steelscar Flag","Represent your Clan with pride"]
["vikings_bed","Viking bed","Every viking needs their beauty sleep"]
["vikings_tombstone","Viking Cross","Chiseled from the finest stone."]
["vikings_basket1","Vegetable Bingue","Vikings need their 5-a-day."]
["vikings_stonegate","Stone Gate","Keep the enemy out."],
["vikings_wooddivdr","Timber Divider","Carved with the best lumber"]
["vikings_chair_g","Battleshade Chair","Strong enough for even the plumpest viking."]
["vikings_table_r","Steelscar Table","Sturdy table for rowdy Viking feasts"]
["vikings_floor","Dark Wood Floor","Varnished to perfection."]
["vikings_wall_r","Steelscar Wooden Wall","Hand carved with stained wood detail."]
["vikings_table_g","Battleshade Table","Sturdy table for rowdy Viking feasts"]
["vikings_flag_g","Battleshade Flag","Represent your Clan with pride"]
["vikings_gondola1","Viking Long Ship Front","Travel the world in this sturdy boat."]
["vikings_wallshield_r","Steelscar Wall Shield","Vikings need decorative accents too."]
["vikings_roof_r","Amber Roof","Every Viking Cotie needs a roof."]
["vikings_gondola3","Viking Long Boat Back","Travel the world in this sturdy boat."]
["vikings_pillar","Viking Pillar","For decorative or structural use."]
["vikings_woodgate","Timber Gate","Carved with the best lumber"]
["vikings_wall_g","Battleshade Wooden Wall","Hand carved with stained wood detail."]
["vikings_torch","Furolles Torch","Keep away from buildings"]
["vikings_roof_g","Verdigris Roof","Every Viking Cotie needs a roof."]
["vikings_gondola2","Viking Long Ship Middle","Travel the world in this sturdy boat."]
["vikings_yggdrasil","Yggdrasil Tree","Centre of the Habbo Universe"]
["vikings_teleport","Ruinstone Teleport","From village to village."]
["vikings_chest","Ornate Viking Chest","Full of silver and gold - Looted of course."]
["vikings_chair_r","Steelscar Chair","Strong enough for even the plumpest viking."]
["vikings_animal_g","Battleshade Figurehead","Terrify your enemies"]
["vikings_block","Ornate Spruce Block","From the finest scandinavian wood."]
["vikings_spike","Spiked Skull","Wait...Is that Frank!?"]
["vikings_runestone","Viking Relic","From the rubble...comes art."]
["vikings_wall1","Old Norse Wall","To hold your thatched roof up."]
["vikings_spire","Roof Spire","Makes a great lookout."]
["vikings_basket2","Meat Bingue","Basket full of meat and stuff."]
["vikings_house","Viking Cotie","DANGER: Highly Flammable"]
["vikings_woodcrn","Timber Corner","Carved with the best lumber"]

Effetti Vichinghi: https://www.habbolifeforum.com/t33208-nuovi-effetti-campagna-vichinghi#319288

Furni Vichinghi: https://www.habbolifeforum.com/t33253-all-furni-vikings-vichinghi

Re: [ALL] Codici Forums, Vicious Rares e Furni Viking!

kaselli ha scritto:
Tutto arrivato!

Re: [ALL] Codici Forums, Vicious Rares e Furni Viking!

kaselli ha scritto:
Tutto arrivato!
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