Su Habbo sono stati caricati Nuovi Codici riguardante l'arrivo di Nuovi Furni per la prossima campagna
"Candy Land". Eccoli qui..
Da essi puoi leggere i nomi e le descrizioni dei futuri furni in arrivo in hotel!
"Candy Land". Eccoli qui..
["cland_c15_cakeblock","Cake Block","You can have your cake AND build with it too!"],["cland_c15_chocorock","Chocolate Rocks","Caution: Watch out for melting rocks."],["cland_c15_chocostick","Pocky Stick Forest","I've heard the magical Pocky Panda lives nearby."],["cland_c15_gate","Vanilla Wafer Gate","Creamy frosting hidden between wafer goodness."],["cland_c15_gatepink","Strawberry Wafer Gate","Creamy frosting hidden between wafer goodness."],["cland_c15_goofloor","Bubblegum Floor","POP POP POP"],["cland_c15_grass","Green Frosting Grass","Hand piped over chocolate mud dirt."],["cland_c15_icreamtree","Popsicle Tree","Guaranteed to give you brain freeze."],["cland_c15_jellyseat1","Pink Gum Drop Seat","Goody, goody, gum drops!"],["cland_c15_jellyseat2","Yellow Gum Drop Seat","Goody, goody, gum drops!"],["cland_c15_jellyseat3","Blue Gum Drop Seat","Goody, goody, gum drops!"],["cland_c15_light","Cherry Light","Ooh, fruity and functional!"],["cland_c15_lollytree","Lollipop Tree","How many licks to the centre?"],["cland_c15_pavement","Hard Candy Pavement","Red is my favourite."],["cland_c15_pillar","Candycane Pillar","Don't get your tongue stuck..."],["cland_c15_roof","Chocolate Stick Roof","Doesn't hold up well in rain..."],["cland_c15_swirltree","Laffy Taffy Tree","Mmm chewing noises taffy more chewing noises is good."],["cland_c15_table","Orange Soda Candy Table","WHO loves orange Soda? The Staff loves orange soda."],["cland_c15_wafer","Wafer Wall","Creamy frosting hidden between wafer goodness."],["cland_c15_waferblock","Wafer Block","Creamy frosting hidden between wafer goodness."],["cland_c15_wall","Sugarscape Wall","Do those clouds look like candy to you? No me neither..."]
Da essi puoi leggere i nomi e le descrizioni dei futuri furni in arrivo in hotel!