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Habbolife Forum è un fansite ufficiale di Habbo hotel. Rimani aggiornato sulle notizie di questo magnifico mondo virtuale e sugli ultimi argomenti di attualità!

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

Habbo’s economy functions much like any other real-world economy – the trick is to buy low, and sell high. So, for example, if you bought a furni (or ten of the same furni) for ten credits each, and then a year later the price of that particular furni had increased to fifteen credits, for each one that you sold, you’d make five credits. Sounds REALLY simple, right?

It definitely sounds simple, but the real trick is to know WHEN to buy and WHEN to sell – and to know this you need to know how much furni is at any point in time. As well as knowing the right prices, you also need to know how to make the absolute most out of the Marketplace. See the graph below and to the right – it shows the fluctuation of the price of (an unspecified) furni. You can see that the furni starts off high, but starts to fall in value. Once it’s fallen to a specific point, we’ve indicated WHEN you should buy a particular item by highlighting the area in red. The perfect time to buy is when the item is at its lowest value. To know when exactly an item is at its lowest value is something you will have to practice.

Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro Screen10
Graph showing the ‘sweet spot’ to buy at (in red and circled in green)

In every situation, you’ll have to work hard to KNOW when an item is about to go up in price. It will nearly always be due to an item becoming harder to find (suddenly or gradually) – perhaps one rich Habbo has bought a large chunk of the total number of that particular furni and is hoarding them, or perhaps someone is using them in a building project. You have to keep your ear to the ground to know! Then, once the item has risen enough, you want to sell it while it’s high! So, simple enough when you know WHEN to sell, right?

Using the Marketplace efficiently
For the bare fundamental basics of how to use the Habbo Hotel Marketplace, see here

Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro Promo_10

It’s really important that you familiarise yourself with these basics, as it’s definitely the most useful tool for Habbo traders. Selling your goods on the Marketplace (often known simply as ‘MP’ by Habbos) is a quick and easy way to get rid of furni for standard prices. Because of this, it’s a really brilliant way to take advantage of what are considered ‘lazy’ traders. A lot of Habbos sell large amounts of furni, often in bulk, for prices much lower than normal. It’s considered wise to check the Marketplace regularly for deals like these, as there’s often a LOT of money to be made! But, like any good deal on Habbo, you’ll need to have a good idea of what the real average price for furni is.

In some situations, if you have a medium to high value item, and you want to sell it quickly and easily without the bother of Auction Rooms, it’s better to use the Marketplace. Habbos who really, REALLY want certain furni are sometimes more likely to pay over the average price if it means they can get it right there and then. This is particularly true of the richer Habbos.

Fonte: http://blog.habbo.com/2015/08/18/how-to-become-a-marketplace-pro-2/

Ultima modifica di Reporter il Mar 18 Ago 2015 - 12:16 - modificato 1 volta.

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

interessante Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro 1182390374

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Nulla di nuovo...

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descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

Interessante, ma niente di speciale... E' ovvio che un furno col tempo, se non esce più diventa "ricercato", aumenta così anche il suo prezzo

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

Interessante, ma pochi furni con il tempo valgono molto

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

Simone ha scritto:
Interessante, ma pochi furni con il tempo valgono molto

Solitamente aumentano il valore quelli esclusivi delle campagna (esempio far west etc. etc) ma dopo diversi anni!

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

Andrea. ha scritto:
Nulla di nuovo...

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

Andrea. ha scritto:
Nulla di nuovo...

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

Se tutti i furni vengono riproposti ..

descriptionBlog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro EmptyRe: Blog Habbo: How to become a Marketplace pro

So interesting!
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