Ora assicuratevi di rappresentare Habbo,vestiti e sfila sul red carpet!
1-. Distendi un red carpet nella tua stanza
2-. Dev'esserci solo una persona
3-. Scatta uno screenshot (Preferibilmente .png).
4-. Inviare uno screenshot del vostro avatar in camera insieme con il tuo nome Habbo a dirci cosa indossa il tuo Habbo a habbocompetitions@sulake.com.
Assicurati di inserire Night at the Oscars Outfit come oggetto dell'email.
5-. Hai tempo fino al 28 Febbraio 2016 11pm GMT.
6-. Premi: Un bradipo Marzo per i primi 25 vincitori.
I vincitori verranno annunciati il 1 Marzo 2016!
Buona fortuna!!
Now be sure to represent Habbo and go dress the part for some serious red-carpet action!
The rules:
1-. Roll out the red carpet in one of your rooms and dress your Habbo for the occasion.
2-. One entry per (physical) person only please.habbo_awards
3-. Take a screenshot (ideally .png format).
4-. Send a screenshot of your avatar in the room along with your Habbo name telling us what your Habbo is wearing to habbocompetitions@sulake.com.
Make sure you put Night at the Oscars Outfit comp in the subject of your email.
5-. Deadline for submitting entries is Sunday, February 28th, 2016 at 11pm GMT.
6-. Prizes: one brand new March Emerald Sloth for the top 25 winners
Winners will be announced and prizes given out by Tuesday, March 1st 2016.
Happy strutting!
Le regole:
1-. Distendi un red carpet nella tua stanza
2-. Dev'esserci solo una persona
3-. Scatta uno screenshot (Preferibilmente .png).
4-. Inviare uno screenshot del vostro avatar in camera insieme con il tuo nome Habbo a dirci cosa indossa il tuo Habbo a habbocompetitions@sulake.com.
Assicurati di inserire Night at the Oscars Outfit come oggetto dell'email.
5-. Hai tempo fino al 28 Febbraio 2016 11pm GMT.
6-. Premi: Un bradipo Marzo per i primi 25 vincitori.
I vincitori verranno annunciati il 1 Marzo 2016!
Buona fortuna!!
Testo originale :
Now be sure to represent Habbo and go dress the part for some serious red-carpet action!
The rules:
1-. Roll out the red carpet in one of your rooms and dress your Habbo for the occasion.
2-. One entry per (physical) person only please.habbo_awards
3-. Take a screenshot (ideally .png format).
4-. Send a screenshot of your avatar in the room along with your Habbo name telling us what your Habbo is wearing to habbocompetitions@sulake.com.
Make sure you put Night at the Oscars Outfit comp in the subject of your email.
5-. Deadline for submitting entries is Sunday, February 28th, 2016 at 11pm GMT.
6-. Prizes: one brand new March Emerald Sloth for the top 25 winners
Winners will be announced and prizes given out by Tuesday, March 1st 2016.
Happy strutting!