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Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Dopo aver comunicato il futuro a lungo termine dei wired, iniziano ad arrivare ulteriori miglioramenti e correzioni per diversi furni cablati, che vanno alle migliorie lanciate a fine giugno.

- Le opzioni di movimento diagonale verranno aggiunte a "EFFETTO: Cambia direzione Furni".

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Fzovg610

- "INNESCO: parola chiave" avrà la possibilità di attivare uno stack Wired solo quando il testo corrisponde esattamente a ciò che viene detto.

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Fzovn910

- Dopo l'arrivo dell'aggiornamento, nelle condizioni membro del gruppo sarai in grado di specificare il gruppo a cui desideri applicare il wired. Non sarai più limitato unicamente a quello presente nella stanza.

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Fzovu110

- Il wired relativo alle handitem riceverà la possibilità di copiare un handitem specifico che si ha in mano, invece di poter scegliere solo da un elenco di 7!

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Fzovz010

- La stessa cosa si applicherà a "EFFETTO: Il Bot da oggetto". Inoltre, puoi anche scegliere di fornire handitem senza utilizzare un bot! (Nota: ci sarà una lista nera di handitem rare che non potrai assegnare)

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Fzovn210

- Anche il wired "CONDIZIONE: i Furni hanno utenti" riceverà un aggiornamento! Sarai in grado di selezionare se tutti o solo uno dei furni necessitano di un avatar su di essi.

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Fzovwk10

- Stiamo anche introducendo un comando per resettare le classifiche nella stanza: ":resetscores". Tieni presente che questo comando sarà utilizzabile solo dal proprietario della stanza in cui si trova la classifica.

- Ecco un'anteprima delle prossime nuove classifiche che conteggeranno il tempo:

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Fzowd510

- Come mostrato in anteprima in questa news, arriverà un nuovo timer che sarà progressivo e aiuterà a cronometrare. Si potrà quindi usare in sintonia con le precedenti classifiche e fare giochi basati sulla velocità.

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired Timerx10

FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired 2782745477 Cosa ne pensi di queste novità? Commenta qui sotto! #FurniWired

Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Wired updates – batch 1
  • Wired was brought to the BC Warehouse.
  • Fixed bug causing WIRED Trigger: User Enters Room to be prone to scripting.
  • Modification to the Wired room timer: it will now only reset automatically if the room is killed (after 30s of being empty).
  • Fixed bug where WIRED Effect: Execute Stacks broke after timer reset.
  • Fixed bugs in WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user, WIRED Effect: Move Furni away from nearest user and WIRED Effect: Change Furni Direction which caused selected furni to reset their rotations when they were moved.
  • Fixed bug in WIRED Effect: Toggle to random state where gifts and viking houses could be toggled.
  • Non-Wired changes:
    • Magic stack tiles are now included in room exports/imports.
    • Rate limits have been improved for placing items.
    • Walking limitations have been removed.

Wired updates – batch 2
  • Fixed a design flaw in Wired where the setup reloads when Wired moves in the room:
    • WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user and WIRED Effect: Move Furni away from nearest user: reload flaw caused them to move to the top-left side of the room.
    • WIRED Effect: Change Furni Direction: reload flaw caused a revert to original direction and a disregard of the correct direction.
    • WIRED Effect: Give Points and WIRED Effect: Give score to a predefined team: reload flaw caused award counter to reset. This update affects backward compatibility, see fix detailed below.
    • WIRED Trigger: Score is achieved: can normally only be triggered once per game, reload flaw caused an indefinite amount of triggers per game.
    • WIRED Add-on: Unseen Effect: reload flaw caused the purpose of this Wired to break.

  • The design flaw fix required refactors in Wired:
    • Reduced the amount of database access for Wired, setting up Wired should be faster now.
    • WIRED add-ons were reworked behind the scenes. This rework will also allow for new add-ons to be released, which was previously close to impossible.
    • Wired does not reload behind the scenes anymore, which means that complex Wired setups with moving elements should be faster now.

  • Fixed a rare Wired bug where Wired could execute before all items in the room were loaded.
  • Decreased rate limits for setting up Wired.
  • You now have the option to award an amount of points an infinite number of times in WIRED Effect: Give Points and WIRED Effect: Give score to a predefined team.
  • Non-Wired changes:
    • Magic stack tiles retain their correct height after a room is reloaded.

Wired updates – batch 3
  • WIRED Add-On: Unseen Effect does not reset on timer reset anymore.
  • New Wired -> WIRED Add-on: At least one condition is true (evaluates Wired conditions with OR-logic).
  • Add-ons now have a client-side interface. (irrelevant for now).
  • Bug fixes for leaderboards:
    • Fixed bug where leaderboards clear themselves (in certain time zones).
    • Fixed bug where "Highscore – per team" overrides itself with worse values.
    • Fixed bug where “Leaderboard – most wins” forgets score of users that weren't in top 15 after room kill.
    • Fixed bug where leaderboards don’t clear when next room initialisation is exactly one year later.

  • Increase the amount of entries on a leaderboard from 15 to 50.
  • Fix bug where a game counter stops itself immediately after starting.
  • Fixes to Wired visualisation:
    • Conditions were previously neglected when animating Wired. They now correctly light up (this is more relevant with the new add-on).
    • Add-ons are animated too (only ones that were applied, in the case of invalid combinations of add-ons).

  • Code refactor to share more code between triggers, actions, conditions and add-ons, for better maintenance and future updates.

Wired updates – batch 4

  • New timer systems for Wired:
    • Game counters that count up. These are the counterparts to existing counters that count down and start games (Banzai / Freeze / football counters).
    • Counters that count up but do not affect a game state. More than one of these can be used at the same time without side effects adversely affecting the game.
    • New Wired -> WIRED Effect: Control Counter
      • Check option from: Start, Stop, Reset, Pause, Resume.
      • Select the counters to apply this effect to (works for the new counters and old countdown counters).

    • New Wired -> Wired Trigger: Counter elapses set time:
      • Select the seconds and minutes.
      • Select the counters that will trigger this Wired box.

  • New leaderboards:
    • Highscore – Fastest Time.
    • Highscore – Longest Time.

  • Bug fixes in collision triggering Wired effects (WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user, WIRED Effect: Move Furni away from nearest user and WIRED Effect: Change Furni Direction).
    • Previously did not trigger user collisions on all colliding tiles when using furni larger than 1x1.
    • Chasing Wired should expand chase lines for furni larger than 1x1, according to their dimensions.
    • Non-stackable furniture larger than 1x1 blocked themselves when moving using these Wired boxes.

  • Fixed bug in WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position and State where, in some situations, it moved furni to a location and/or rotation even when those checkboxes were not selected.
  • WIRED Trigger: Furni State Is Changed now works with one-way gates too.
  • Bug fix for WIRED Trigger: User Enters Room: specifying a triggerer name didn’t work if the name was bobba filtered.
  • Behind the scenes refactor for how Wired is updated and validated.
  • Validation fixes in WIRED Effect: Bot Changes Clothes.
  • Fixed interference issues in Wired when picking up BC items and placing new BC items with the same furni ID. 
  • Non-Wired changes:
    • Bug fixed that allowed players to enter one-way gates in invalid locations.

Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Veramente delle migliorie di qualità! C'era bisogno da anni di aggiustamenti alle modalità di gioco e funzionalità nuove

Potete leggere tutte le novità a riguardo qui:


Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Super updates! Contentissimo!! FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired 2762549214 Grazie per la news!

Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Sembrano molto interessanti specie per chi organizza giochi. Dovrò provarle. Per ora non riesco a focalizzare come si può dare un handitem senza bot ma provando sarà più chiaro.

Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Non sono solito utilizzarli, ad ogni modo ben vengano questi aggiornamenti utili per tutta la community FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired 1182390374

Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Ottimo FurniWired - Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired 1826136131

Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

La maggior parte di queste novità sono ora disponibile ed altre sono in fase di test in Sandbox (come il comando :resetscores)

Re: Classifiche tempo, selettore gruppi, handitem e altre novità wired

Wired updates – batch 5

  • Added option to match exact text in WIRED Trigger: User Says Keyword.
  • Set WIRED Trigger: Repeat Effect default time to 0.5s instead of 5s.
  • Added diagonal directions to WIRED Effect: Change Furni Direction.
  • Made bot names case insensitive in bot Wired.
  • WIRED Trigger: User Walks Off Furni now triggers when a user leaves the room on a furni.
  • Expand group membership Wired conditions to be able to select a group from a list.
  • Extended the range of handitems in WIRED Effect: Bot gives Handitem and WIRED Condition: User has handitem.
    • Click the “Copy my handitem” button to use any handitem.
    • A “None” option has been added, to check if the user has no handitem at all (wired condition), or to remove the handitem (wired effect).
    • The wired effect has a blacklist of handitems that can not be used. This list mostly includes handitems only given by rares, bundle exclusives and Ecotron exclusives.

  • Added the option to WIRED Effect: Bot gives Handitem to give the handitem without using a bot (to be renamed to WIRED Effect: Give Handitem).
  • A new command “:resetscores” clears the leaderboards in a room.
  • WIRED Condition: Furni has users now has the option to check if at least one of the furni has users, instead of all.
  • In the Classic client, the non-owner confirmation window for updating wired boxes is now shown at most once per session.
  • Bug fixes:
    • WIRED Effect: Change Furni Direction did not look in all directions when the current direction is invalid, which is now fixed.
    • Collision triggering Wired effects now have an accurate way of checking whether a furni can be moved to a tile.

  • Updates to how Wired interacts with furni states:
    • Many furni states could previously not be checked with WIRED Condition: Furni States And Positions Match (bug). All the furni types in this screenshot now support matching states with Wired conditions.
    • Additionally, trap furniture and number sign furniture (the furniture marked with a duck in the above screenshot) can now have a state set by WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position & State.
    • As a result of these changes, you can now check how many users a team has by matching the state of team gates.
    • Counter furniture are checked against 3 states: “initial”, “running” and “paused”.

Wired updates – batch 6

  • Each existing Add-on is getting new features:
    • WIRED Add-on: Unseen Effect now executes the effects on the Wired stack from bottom to top (the Wired creator controls the order).
    • You can now select the conditions in WIRED Add-on: At least one condition is true to which the add-on applies to. 
      • If none are selected, the add-on applies to all conditions on the stack. 
      • You can also combine multiple add-ons and create logical expressions like “A and (B or C) and (D or E)” if you have 5 conditions A, B, C, D and E.

    • Wired Add-on: Random Effect is getting two new features:

      • Added the option to pick multiple (unique) effects instead of one (range 1-50).
      • Added the option to avoid recently executed effects (range 1-50). Useful in games like a quiz, etc.

  • The “:resetscores” command can now be used by group admins.
  • Counters are reworked behind the scenes:
    • WIRED Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time can now be triggered on 0.5s precision instead of 1s.

  • Added the option in WIRED Effect: Give Points & WIRED Effect: Give score to a predefined team to remove points from a team.
  • Reimplementation of WIRED Trigger: Bot reaches Furni:
    • Fixed an issue where it sometimes triggered multiple times.
    • The Wired box now relays the triggering furniture (and can be combined with WIRED Condition: Furni Type Matches).
    • The Wired box previously triggered when no furni was selected, this is now fixed.

  • More updates to how Wired interacts with states:
    • The state of furni like pressure plates can now be detected with Wired.
    • Trax machines can now be controlled with Wired.

  • You will now have the option to select the triggerer in WIRED Trigger: Bot reaches user (the bot or the user).
  • Other bug fixes: 
    • Fixed a bug in counters where a counter would be stuck in an infinite loop.
    • Expanded the range of WIRED Condition: User Count In Room.
    • WIRED Trigger: Score Is Achieved now triggers even when the score was given by WIRED Effect: Give score to a predefined team (no triggerer).

  • Non-wired changes:
    • Fixed a bug where the states of furni like pressure plates were not updated when a user left the room.
    • Fixed a bug in Freeze where the room crashed.

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