Se per qualsiasi motivo, avete utilizzazo l'help tool tra la giornata di Sabato 29 e Domenica 30 Ottobre, si consiglia di cambiare immediatamente la password del vostro account habbo.
Si ricorda inoltre che Habbo non chiede informazioni pesonali, come la password o numeri di carta di credito, nelle vostre email, quindi se per qualche motivo vi arriva un e-mail che richiede questi dati, si prega di eliminarla.
Qui di seguito, è riportato l'articolo originale, postato da ...
On Sunday, October 30th we noticed an unauthorized access to our Habbo Help tools at ( . Hackers were able configure system in a way that links to our help portal were redirected to a fake Habbo site (retro site) that looked like a real Habbo site. However, URL as seen in the browser's top bar was not
Since then, we have been securing the service and investigating the extent of this access. We will provide you with more information once details of this incident are clarified. The Habbo Help Tool is now fixed and can be used securely.
We deeply apologize for this, and as a safety precaution we ask you to do the following. If you have used Habbo Help Tool between Saturday 29th 11:50pm EET and Sunday 30th 09:30am EET:
- As a precaution, we recommend changing password of your Habbo account
- If you notice suspicious emails or unauthorized access to your account, please inform us via Habbo Help tool that is now safe to use.
- Be aware of fake Habbo emails. Habbo staff never asks for personal information, such as passwords or credit card information in emails. If this is done, you can be sure it is a scam! Also, never click on links in emails that you are not 100% sure of!
We are very sorry for the inconvenience! We are doing our best to keep Habbo Hotel one of the safest online communities, and we also ask you to help us in making that happen!